Dramatización y metodología audiovisual
Estrategias innovadoras para fortalecer comprensión lectora y desarrollo de speaking en Nivel A1
La dramatización empleada en el contexto educativo es una estrategia, donde el estudiante recrea y escenifica su sentir y los conocimientos adquiridos de los textos escudriñados que, al ser representados, los conducen a vivir nuevas experiencias y consecuentemente, los motiva a una formación más responsable e inclinarse en el mundo de la lectura. En este sentido, es necesario fortalecer las concepciones catedráticas en cuanto al panorama estratégico utilizado por el profesorado para consolidar los hábitos lectores, importantes para el desarrollo intelectual estudiantil. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación versa en el análisis teórico sobre los efectos generados por esta herramienta psicopedagógica para impulsar la lectura y su evaluación; al considerar que ésta, aún circunda en el ocaso, y conocer además que este instrumento no es totalmente explotado por los docentes. El estudio se desarrolló en la Escuela de Educación Básica Fiscal “Charapotó” N°.75” en el 8vo. Año de E.G.B. Paralelo “B”. se utilizó la metodología cualitativa con enfoque descriptivo, en congruencia a la teoría fenomenológica y el método comunicativo, la recopilación de datos fue con las técnicas; observación, entrevista y foro pedagógico; viables por coadyubar a la descripción y reconstrucción de nuevos conocimientos desde la percepción del objeto de estudio según sus realidades. En el análisis se concluyó que la dramatización sí contribuye al fortalecimiento lector y su evaluación, de manera atractiva, pues el estudiante debe leer la obra antes de representarla y consecutivamente desarrollará competencias que el docente podrá valorar durante todos los procesos dramáticos.
According to Standard English Test (EF SET), Ecuador was placed in the 81st place of a total of 100 countries evaluated. In these countries, English is not their mother tongue. As a result of this evaluation, Ecuador is considered to have a "Very Low" level of English, rated with 46.57 which is equivalent to an A1 level according to the Common European Framework. Taking into account Ecuador is the worst ranked country in South America keeping above Mexico the last year, as revealed by EF EPI.
However, the study offers no explanation for the distinction between public institutions when learning English in Ecuador. Students are unaware of the second language because English is not taken into account in the curriculum. Furthermore, when students come to secondary school, they come without a previous language background, showing a low knowledge in their diagnostic tests. For this reason, teachers have to elaborate micro- curricular plannings to lead them to understand the language.
Another negative factor is the quantity of sessions per week, those are minimum compared to private institutions. The time is not enough to learn the language, this factor evokes the students are not capable to develop an effective input and output. If they require to start superior studies such as University, they will demonstrate a low level of preparation and they are demotivated at the moment to take exams to pass the next English level.
There is information to take into consideration regarding this research. For instance, this evaluation was conducted with thirty-five students in ninth grade (EGB B), all aged between 14-15. The evaluation considered the four principal English skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), they are considered to have an A1 level. However, in their placement test, they showed strength in the first three skills but considerable weakness in Speaking. This weakness tends to affect their EF SET scores, lowering their overall band. In fact, several factors could contribute to this issue, such as lack of enthusiasm, a non-communicative environment, or the fear of making errors when expressing their ideas to a native speaker.
On the other hand, teaching and learning a second language demands the development of skills that manage input and output effectively. In recent years, communicative aspects have become a main focus for understanding languages. This methodology has offered numerous ways to communicate, exchange information, and interact with people around the world, using various tools.