ISBN 978-9942-40-708-5

Through my eyes

Autor:Ehrenfeld, Lisa Bettina
Editorial:Ehrenfeld, Lisa Bettina
Materia:Percepción. movimiento. emociones. impulsos
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:338
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


I need one sentence... one exceptionally powerful sentence to start this biography. Something that will reel you in, get you invested, make you want to read my story... but I don’t have that sentence, I can't find the words that will introduce you to me in the exact way I would like to be introduced. So I will just start here, and tell you that I have worked on this book for the last two years. I have struggled to write the most difficult parts, (even to the point where I had to put the book down for days, or weeks so I could get over the emotional impact of what I wrote had on my mental state). I have poured all of the love in my heart into the parts that describe the people I hold closest. While writing, I have relived countless horrific experiences. I have remembered things that should have broken me. I have also realized that my words are very impactful... my words do affect people. I have been surprised to see how deeply my words penetrate even the most stubborn and especially those who are unwilling to see another side of life. After they read my words, they have no choice but to see life differently. I have already changed many (and this book is not even published yet), people have transformed, become allies, vowed to help and change. Others, those like me, finally now know they are not alone. That depression is not exclusive to them, and some have even sought help using my words as their motivation.
I am the “apostrophe” that is sung about. “I am the symbol to remind you that there is more to see,” and it's often so much more than you could have ever imagined.

Lisa B


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