ISBN 978-9942-626-16-5

Digital Inclusion: The challenge of web usability and accessibility of latino citizen participation portals

Autor:Pincay Ponce, Jorge Iván
Figueroa Suárez, Juan Alberto
Calderón Figueroa, Catherine Denisse
Párraga Muñoz, Lisbeth Alexandra
Ponce Tomalá, Ana María
Editorial:Centro de Gestión Internacional de Capacitación y Posgrado
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


The purpose of this book is to supply an assessment in terms of usability and accessibility of citizen participation websites in Latin America. To establish the progress made against the goals, that is, the challenges to comply with the idealistic guidelines of inclusion and usability from a technological perspective. The study context is Latin America, and its unit of analysis is the online platforms implemented by governments for citizen participation.
For the development of this, a mixed investigation was used, in which through the bibliographical investigation the theoretical bases of the subject of work were studied and through the applied investigation it was obtained to elaborate a list of the government sites of citizen participation available up to end of 2020. The assessment was conducted with automatic, semi-automatic and heuristic assessment tools.
The study will reduce the existence of web accessibility and usability problems in Latin American citizen participation platforms, due to the lack of application of the WCAG conformity criteria recommended by the W3C and the web usability guidelines promoted. by the ISO 9241-151:2008 standard.
During the development of the chapters, reflections are offered on the strengths and weaknesses found in the evaluation, it was observed about the importance of considering the principles of accessibility and usability from the moment the online platform is built, with the aim of not restrict access to information to people who are hard of hearing and visually impaired. The work highlights that if a citizen participation site has web accessibility weaknesses, it can also negatively affect the user experience and satisfaction, as well as the quality and quantity of user contributions. This can generate exclusion, discrimination and inequality for those people who have difficulties accessing or using the contents of the web, such as people with visual, hearing, motor, cognitive or language disabilities.


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