ISBN 978-9942-45-622-9

Ancestral Routes of Ecuador

Autor:Velasco Andrade, Diego Fernando
Cevallos, Angel Black
Editorial:Armas Cárdenas, Niky Edison
Público objetivo:Profesional / académico
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


"Ancestral Routes of Ecuador" is a work that reveals the ancient paths that have shaped the geography and culture of Ecuador since pre-Columbian times. In this book, the authors Diego Velasco Andrade and Ángel Cevallos Blak immerse us in a journey through the traces left by the wise Amawtas and Simirikus, who traced these routes with meticulous geographical, geodesic, solar and constellar logic.

The ancestral routes, known as "sekes" or "macro sekes", are astronomical and geographical alignments that cover vast areas of territory, connecting places of historical and religious importance. These master lines, which extend throughout the Ecuadorian Andes, have been the subject of study and research for centuries, and the authors continue this tradition with a contemporary perspective, using technological tools such as Google Earth to expand our understanding of these ancient paths. .

Through meticulous historical, cultural, and astronomical analysis, the authors reveal how ancient civilizations built their sacred sites aligned with the earth's energy and geobiological networks. This approach reveals the deep connection between the landscape and the worldview of the ancestral peoples of Ecuador.

The book identifies four main Ancestral Routes: The Inti Ñan - Path of the Sun, The Kinti Ñan - Humminbird Trail, The Quitumbe Ñan - Road to Quitumbe and the Kápak Nañ or Wiracocha Road. Each of these routes offers a unique window into understanding Ecuadorian history and culture, from the celebration of the straight sun in the commonwealth of the ancient Kingdom of Quito to the legacy of the Andean solar master Wiracocha.

"Ancestral Routes of Ecuador" is not only a fascinating exploration of the country's ancient history, but also a tribute to the wisdom of the indigenous peoples and their deep understanding of the cosmos and the earth. It is essential reading for those interested in unraveling the mysteries of the Ecuadorian past and understanding the cultural wealth that continues to vibrate today.


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