ISBN 978-9942-7251-2-7

Guía Didáctica Inglés IV

Autor:romero, Páez Romero Verónica Gabriela
Editorial:Instituto Superior Tecnologico Bernardo O’Higgins
Materia:Otras lenguas
Público objetivo:Enseñanza universitaria o superior
Número de edición:1
Formato:Pdf (.pdf)


A Didactic Guide is a valuable tool that complements and makes learning more dynamic. This guide is designed using creative didactic strategies that simulate the presence of the tutor in order to offer students different possibilities to improve their understanding and self-discovery learning.
This guide is going to promote the acquisition, development and application of basic knowledge of the English language, in this case especifically related to the use of Past Simple Tense, Present Perfect Tense and Technical Vocabulary that allows the development of necessary communication skills in everyday contexts and of personal relevance.
It is important to remember that learning English is a dynamic process that poses challenges, requires preparation and skills to face globalization and competitiveness. For that reason, this didactic guide offers a new way of educating, as a didactic resource that integrates other resources and components of the teaching-learning process such as objectives, content, methodological strategies, strategy support resources, ways of organizing the process and evaluation strategies.

Veronica G. Paez R.


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